What is phpMyAdmin?
phpMyAdmin is an open source software written in PHP language. The software was created to help users manage the MySQL database through a web interface. phpMyAdmin is more and more popular, and increasing.
phpMyAdmin Features
Common features commonly used on phpMyAdmin include:
- Manage and decentralize users: add, edit, delete.
- Database management: create, edit, delete database.
- Manage tables (tables) on Database: add, edit and delete on tables and rows on the table.
- Data Import and Export: allows importing and exporting data with many formats such as QL, XML and CSV.
- Query execution of SQL statements.
- Backup and restore data.
How to access phpMyAdmin
1. Access phpMyAdmin on localhost
After successfully installing XAMPP, you can access phpMyAdmin of MySQL database management system by entering http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ in the address bar or Enter the Admin button on the XAMP Control Panel as shown:
2. Accessing phpMyAdmin on cPanel Hosting
You login cPanel, then click phpMyAdmin on the DATABASES block as shown:
The management interface of phpMyAdmin is quite intuitive, and easy to use. The interface can be divided into 3 areas:
- Where to list Databases, in each Database is a list of Tables belonging to that Database.
- Contains import/export management tabs, user permissions, structure and SQL queries,...
- Table list area when Database is selected, Row list when Table is selected, ...
We will go into more detail on creating a new database and manipulating that database in the next article..